5 Traits that are Enhanced Through Emotional Intelligence Training

Historically, business culture has always placed value on a cognitive intelligence. However, a person’s cognitive intelligence largely can’t be improved. If a person took an IQ test every five years, the results would remain remarkably consistent. Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, can be improved through dedicated training.

Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to recognize and control their own emotional states and responses. The more mindful a person is of their emotional state and responses, the higher their emotional intelligence.

In a corporate setting, having high emotional intelligence is a hugely resourceful tool. Here are 5 traits that can be enhanced through emotional intelligence training.

1. Empathy

Empathy is a person’s ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. In a team environment, where everyone in the company is working towards the same business goals, having empathy is not only valuable but essential. Empathic people can step into the shoes of their coworkers and understand their feelings and perspectives. The better you know the emotions of your co-workers and employees, the better you will be at collaborating with them and helping them achieve success.

2. Self-Awareness

A considerable component of emotional intelligence is having general awareness, including awareness of your feelings, behaviors, and motivations. Having self-awareness allows you to examine your weaknesses and strengths, which enables you to identify how you can improve. People with strong self-awareness can take note of how their feelings and behaviors affect the people they work with. Self-awareness is a particularly valuable trait for individuals who lead a team.

3. Self-Control

Possessing self-control provides a person with the ability to manage impulses and urges. In a work environment, self-control prevents one from saying or doing something inappropriate, even if the urge is present. Everyone gets frustrated at some point during his or her job but having the self-control to keep certain frustrations or opinions to yourself shows a high level of emotional intelligence.

4. Stress Management

It’s normal for a person to experience stress from time to time at work. The better a person is at managing various levels of stress, regardless of the source, the more emotional intelligence they possess. In a competitive work environment, it’s essential to maintain your calm when experiencing stress. Through emotional intelligence training, a professional can learn to manage their stress and remain calm during the frequently changing business needs. People who don’t fly off the handle, are positive, and can think and speak clearly in emotionally charged situations will remain calm in the storm of change.

5. Flexibility

In a work environment, you need to be able to adapt on-the-fly. The better one’s ability to handle changing circumstances and expectations without disruption, the more flexible they are. Possessing a high level of flexibility is a sign of having high emotional intelligence. By improving this trait, an individual will be better equipped to deal with any number of curveballs they experience at work. A shifting project deadline, last-minute changes to instructions—with high flexibility a person can handle these changes and get their work done.

To learn more about improving these five traits through emotional intelligence training, contact ISC today.