10 Sep Learning Experience Designer
The job title of Learning Experience Designer (LXD) is becoming more common, and more important in the learning field. Are you thinking “how is a Learning Experience Designer (LXD)” different from an Instructional Designer? Frankly it is a combination of instructional design and user/interface design.
In our ever-changing technical world, everything is digital – including learning. Technology savvy learners are bored with traditional classroom training including much of the “traditional” eLearning courses. The audience must be engaged and experience the learning. We learn from what we experience! Learning experiences can take place almost daily involving products, processes, etc. In the learning industry the experience could be eLearning, microlearning, gamification as well as virtual or augmented reality. Inherent in LX Design is interactive design along with neuroscience and psychology — a human centric design that puts the learner at the forefront of the design.
The Learning Experience Designer typically covers two roles (ID and UX). However, it may cover three roles (ID, UX and UI):
- Instructional Designer – Responsible for facilitating the design and development of effective quality instruction
- User Experience (UX) Designer – Responsible for how the experience makes the user feel, and how easy it is for the user to accomplish their desired tasks. UX applies to anything that can be experienced
- User Interface (UI) Designer- responsible for how to visually guide the user through a product’s interface. It’s all about creating an intuitive experience that doesn’t require the user to think too much!
If you’re interested in how a Learning Experience Designer can help you with your training please check out ISC Resources. With our 30+ years’ experience in training, we can provide the help you need!